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The Harpo In The South

A night at the theatre MARX an occasion.

It would be unfair to make wild statements such as I knew my wife was the one when she agreed to accompany me to a Marx Brothers double at the rep cinema but it certainly didn’t hinder the matter.  This gracious act my wife’s part received attention by the celebrant at our wedding ceremony so I guess that somewhat elevates the importance of the night. It also highlights the importance of the Marx Brothers to me but most of all it was important that I received her Marx seal of approval. Sure, I could continue dating someone that didn’t like the Marx Brothers, let’s not get too hasty, but could I marry that person? My terms and conditions were less extreme than, say, that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine cannot continue seeing someone who has opposing views on abortion despite her physical attraction, but we’re somewhere in the vicinity. I’ve also overheard friends say they couldn’t be with someone who didn’t like said band or who didn’t like said book, so I figured I could chime in too and if was to have a thing then it would be The Marx Brothers. My friend Bell used to ridicule me by exaggerating that as a boyfriend on date night I would make propositions like ‘tonight we can watch a comedy’ and then with a Charlton Heston type accent ‘AN EPIC COMEDY FROM THE SILENT ERA!’ Knowing that this was a direct stab at The Marx Brothers or at least my interest in films from the Golden-age I never pulled him up on the fact that the talkies had arrived by the time The Brothers were making films, although what difference would it have made to someone who still insists on calling them The Crappy Shithead Brothers just to bait me even further?


I was barely born by the time the last brother was still alive and yet I’ve been a faithful follower of their career since I was eight years old. I had Groucho’s one-liners memorised long before I understood the joke, I had no real interest in music other than the songs showcased throughout the films which I would sing to myself constantly, and I took for granted the physicality and the impeccable timing of the sight gags. At that age it was all eye and ear candy, I was simply happy to clap along and revisit the same films day after day. Lately I’d be hard-pressed to sit through a movie more than once, but back then it was almost warped how often I could press stop, rewind and play.


Before long I had been dubbed class clown at school, I was even presented a certificate for the record, Class clown ’88 which I shared with a girl named Claire, she won in the female division. I can remember being quick with a comeback (despite the lack of wit, I was poorly attempting to emulate what I had seen Groucho Marx do over and over again).   I could whistle using my pointer and ring fingers which I learned by watching Harpo Marx (I still can and believe me it’s one deafening party trick!) and I would occasionally and shamefully develop a slight Italian accent like Chico Marx and this was all thanks to my new hero’s.


The Four Marx Brothers
The Four Marx Brothers


I can certainly see the appeal for an eight year old as their antics were chaotic.  Scenes would escalate to shambles of epic proportions and what kid wouldn’t want to see adults behaving like reckless children who destroy everything in their path. And, of course, it was all insanely funny and I think that’s how the films have stayed with me as an adult. You find new moments amusing, the clever dialogue and nuisances start to make sense and the things that got a chuckle upon first viewings continue to do so. To briefly sum up, they were five real life brothers who began as a travelling vaudeville act and through a series of on-stage accidents a comedy style was born upon which they thrived until the act depended on it. Their stage hits were transcribed to screen when talkies were still a new phenomenon and upon debuting with The Cocoanuts the brother’s shtick became a hit. Their later switch from Paramount to MGM allowed them to soar to greater heights of success thanks in part to producer Irving Thalburg’s ability to tweak the films so that the love stories and music were equally as prominent as the comedy. Harpo, Chico and Groucho were extraordinarily talented harpists, pianists and vocalists respectively and although their capabilities were integrated previously, Thalburg ensured that musical solos became a staple of the productions to come. The MGM films established an effective formula that made the (by then) three performing Marx Brothers vastly more accessible to a wider audience and bankable stars to boot.


My introduction began at Uncle Til’s house in Preston. In an attempt to keep me entertained for the afternoon he looked to his very few VHS tapes and casually asked if I wanted to watch The Marx Brothers. He was then confused and appalled by my inability to recognise what that even meant -although I can recall a similar reaction when I revealed to him that I had not yet heard of a Munster, a Lone Ranger nor a Ma and Pa Kettle and looking back I wonder if he truly thought this odd or if this was his clever way of generating excitement, after all it’s unfair to think that as an eight year old I would have been versed on every TV sitcom from the 50s and 60s let alone comedy features from the ‘30s.


I need to stress how very few VHS tapes my uncle owned.  Right now off the top of my head I can picture the majority of his current DVD collection, there’s My Cousin Vinny, Night On Earth, Batman Begins and maybe a sports DVD to do with car or motorbike racing so I’m forever grateful that he had some life-changing gold in his possession that day. The video on offer was Go West, The Marx Brothers parody of a western. Time has perhaps kept Go West hidden in the shadow of some of their better or at least more notable offerings but in keeping me entertained it certainly did a remarkable job. I attribute this immediate affection to one Harpo Marx. Harpo was a Chaplin-esque clown-like mute dressed in hobo regalia. A mad man hell bent on carnage, a magician-like thief, a  sworn enemy of authority, aggressive pursuer of women, sharp as a tack and yet quick to assume the innocent simpleton when faced with serious consequences, it was Harpo’s  voiceless and yet roaring routine that kept me glued to the screen. At an age when all the witty dialogue bestowed upon Groucho and the dicey intentions of Chico were slightly beyond my understanding, Harpo kept me enthralled.


Not to take anything away from the other brothers. By Go West the previously five, then four Marx Brothers had become a more recognisable three with Groucho as the wise-cracking, razor-tongued, hunched-over front man. Often yearning for a place in noble society but too mischievous to sustain it, Groucho (who’s glasses and moustache still to this day form an image of the archetypal comedian) was in essence a smart arse, the original roaster, and where the verbal jokes were lost on me the animated facial expressions like the raised eye-brows or the schizophrenic switch from joyous to bad tempered were not. Chico with his Italian accent was usually a shady schemer but a loyal comrade to the underdog, usually paired with Harpo as a partner in crime or at least as a voice, there was always a more obvious villain that the he and his brothers rivalled against.


Fortunately Go West opens a scene that had me in tears. Coming up short for the price of a train ticket to the west, Groucho attempts to sell his needless belongings to a broke Chico and Harpo also looking to buy the same ticket. Little does Groucho know he’s targeted two masterful scam artists! As Chico keeps him distracted talking business Harpo is executing every thieving trick in the book from a ten dollar note on a string, to switching wallets in a slight of hand that involves silly hats to openly collecting the cash, keeping it hidden and playing the ‘where did it go?’ routine. The scene finally ends with the ten dollar note breaking from the string and Harpo cutting through the leg of an oblivious Groucho’s pants with scissors before parting company.


The Three Marx Brothers in the opening sequence of Go West 1940.
The Three Marx Brothers in the opening sequence of Go West 1940.


I theatrically re-enacted this entire sequence for the kids at school. It was only Frank Paglia that seemed to find it funny as I played out the Brothers ordeal in full detail, but Frank never did take me up on my offer to come over and see it first-hand.  I remember one kid, Jason Havnik, claimed he saw The Brothers famous At The Circus, vowing ‘we’ll talk about it on Monday’ but that promise never eventuated either. Even my uncle who had turned me onto The Brothers didn’t really care to hold long arduous conversations on the subject so my growing obsession became a solo affair and sadly I was left to laugh alone. Within a year I owned every MGM era VHS that I could find largely thanks to the good folk at local video distribution company CEL. My Dad seemed to know more than he let on insisting that Horse Feathers was their best and brought a copy for me. Although I would come to appreciate their earlier (and arguably superior) Paramount gems like Duck Soup and Dad’s clear favourite Horse Feathers soon enough, their run at MGM made for some easily digestible viewing for an eight year old, especially with such grand production values and a climax that always ensured some form of daredevil stunts.


Communications Entertainment Limited
Communications Entertainment Limited


Not content with VHS tapes alone I searched beyond and was soon the proud owner of the Marx Brothers bedside lamp, a large At The Circus poster for the bedroom, a fridge magnet, soundtracks and whatever books I could get my mitts on. To this day I still snap up anything and everything that I come across, in that single moment of striking Marx gold money becomes no object and I figure one day I’ll be found dead in a hoarders-type scenario entombed in Marx paraphernalia. For instance, fast forward many years later when I first saw Michel Gondry’s Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind I noticed a large Groucho doll sitting in the background in David Cross’ apartment and you bet your life I went on a mission to hunt it down, whatever it was. In fact my sister was the one that finally brought us together one Christmas after overcoming some US to Australia shipping issues which had plagued me each time I tried to order it. Turns out it was a Groucho Marx ventriloquist doll, the creepy kind too with the moving mouth and the big eyes. I still treat it like a member of the family long after other dolls have perished in the jaws of my cocker spaniel; this one however is displayed well out of reach and the day I find it in the backyard emptied of its stuffing is the same day I cease to be a pet owner.


Groucho and I


Stella and I

I found many ways for my keen new interest to shine. Every art class would be a sketch of one or all of them. For the annual school play I managed to secure the lead role by doing an appalling rendition of actor Sig Ruman’s character in A Night At The Opera, I was the judge in a play called Here Comes The Judge but for some unknown reason after securing the role I never did the impression again even on show night. Any grade 5 task that required creative writing I saw as a platform to ramble on about them.  Once again I’d describe in depth the stunts performed at the climax which was always the pinnacle in my young mind (many of these stunts were performed by The Brothers themselves, in fact Harpo painfully slid down an entire theatre curtain virtually using his legs as scissors during the raucous conclusion to A Night At The Opera).


This lamp lights both the room and my soul.
This lamp lights both the room and my soul.


It all escalated to an apparent dangerous level because my parents were summoned to the school and informed that my constant re-enactments of Marx moments were not only disruptive to the class but also leading to my potential instability or something to that effect. This extreme and unhealthy obsession they assumed was akin to that of a heroin user or troubled gambler I can only suppose. I still don’t see how a comedy trio’s act from seven decades earlier was all that damaging but I later found out that the same school teacher reeled in my friend Kieran Boucher’s folks to discuss his recent fascination with the holocaust which is infinitely more concerning, surely! But where Kieran’s interests proved to be a passing phase I on the other hand was committed for life, but still our active imaginations as eight year old’s in hindsight were probably as wild as our fifth grade teachers who tried to suppress them. Hell, there was no punishment for my worshipping at the altar of Alf from my Grade 4 teacher!


All these years later I still get a cheap thrill any time The Marx Brothers pop up. Leslie Neilson points out while narrating the Documentary The Unknown Marx that there has been a constant revival for the Marx Brothers often due to political climates, as essentially what’s being promoted is sheer anarchy and it’s message will echo throughout the decades, so it’s comforting to know that their legacy continues even under questionable circumstances. Politics aside, renditions of their famous moments like the mirror scene in Duck Soup will always be recycled in some way shape or form. They have been referenced over the years on TV shows from I Love Lucy to Welcome Back Cotter to Animaniacs, and to a lesser extent I recently noticed Groucho’s granddaughter Jade made a recurring appearance in Clint Eastwood’s former wife’s reality TV show through marrying into the family.


I also found myself standing amongst a crowd of Groucho’s recently, it was a dream-like moment where I thought I had arrived in Marx heaven but as it turns out it was comedian Rod Quantock’s famous bus tour where he leads his guests to locations that neither they nor the shop owners have any prior knowledge of their arriving and he makes his guests all wear the Groucho glasses and moustache, still it was a nice dream while it lasted. No stranger to a Marx Brothers dress up myself I once revelled in the Harpo get-up at a Halloween house party. Working closely with the lady at the costume shop, we ran around assembling the look complete with suspenders and the horn he often used in place of his voice. I was in my element, this was the ultimate in role playing, in my mind I was going to whistle and honk my way through the evening, fuelled with a plethora of ingrained Harpo-isms (and alcohol) this would be a night for the ages. Anyone who was silly enough to shake my hand would be greeted in return with my leg. But of course these pipe-dreams were dashed once I got there. Fancy dress insecurities prevailed and to my shock and disbelief as I walked the room I was commonly met with ‘a clown’ No one knew who I was supposed to be and a clown is exactly how I felt (should have opted for Groucho!).  My friend Matt was my one saving grace, he yelled ‘Harpo!’ My face lit up and this instant recognition lead to a conversation about his own Marx upbringing and would be the catalyst for countless conversations about The Brothers and film in general that we have shared ever since.



Harpo leg


harpo and I

So with all this in mind you could safely assume that I was just as nervous about my future wife’s response to the Marx Brothers double-feature as I was about a year later when I proposed to her in that very cinema. Despite stating that I can’t be with someone that doesn’t like The Marx brothers the reality was that I had lead myself to believe that both The Brothers and I were under review, anxious to know how these films would reflect on me as a person or as potential marriage material. Did liking The Marx Brothers make me someone with impeccable taste and a keen sense of humour or just a weirdo? It was the first time in a long time, over ten years in fact, since I had watched a Marx Brothers film since they were all practically ingrained in my memory, so when I saw the double advertised at the cinema I was pretty darn excited to experience my childhood favourites all over again. I had asked my wife or girlfriend at the time, if she’d like to come along and of course she said yes but now that I had enticed a first-timer I was also harbouring some doubt – what if these films weren’t as hilarious and magical as I had always remembered? My fear was that The Marx Brothers would prove to be nothing more than a childhood fad and when seen through fresh eyes would appear completely dated, overplayed and long in the tooth.


Arriving at the ticket box the first thing I noticed was my exact Marx Brothers lamp lighting up the cash register so we were in good stead. The atmosphere in the theatre was by no means wearisome; I was with my people who all seemed as wired as I was and it was close to a packed house. Add to this we were seated behind a local television celebrity so my integrity or told-you-so points were coming up trumps.  The ages were mixed; I was delighted to see parents with kids and could only wish I could have been an eight year old Marx brother virgin once again. Overcompensating for my fears of how the films would hold up we were armed to the teeth with choc-tops and cheese chips but eventually into the darkness we sailed as the curtain was drawn.


In an interview I can recall Chico Marx’s daughter saying something along the lines of however good the Marx Brothers were on the big screen they were much better on stage. And since I can’t give sworn testimony to this I can at least attest that however good they were on VHS The Marx Brothers with an audience on the big screen were absolutely electrifying! There’s something to be said about laughing along with an audience. Everything was heightened, suddenly I was finding even more things funny that previously hadn’t caught my attention and the things I already found funny had  me laughing  in anticipation a split second before the gag.  I didn’t just laugh either, I completely cacked myself, I was still laughing at certain scenes well into the next and this spilled over to the drive home.


By the time the first feature A Night At The Opera finished I asked my future wife if she wanted to leave as I had made certain that this would be OK prior to the screening. I then recoiled deep into my seat as I awaited her response. To my delight she replied ‘no, it’s really funny let’s stay’.  And with that vote of confidence we continued on through to the best screening of A Day At The Races I’ll ever have the pleasure of seeing. The final clincher was the climactic horse race at the end, in order to make the racehorse Hi-Hat perform, Groucho steals the race announcer’s microphone and holds it towards the horse’s cruel owner all the while provoking him to get a venomous response. The plan works in the most comical way, the horse’s eyes bulge at the sound of his owner’s voice over the PA which scares him into a full-throttle bolt. But in order to win the race Groucho must continue to provoke the owner and each time he shouts the horse’s eyes bulge once more and the joke is repeated which left me in stitches.


And so we lived happily ever after and if only Groucho had taken his dates to a screening of his films he may not have had three marriages all end in divorce. Thanks to the screening my wife brought me a framed film poster of A Day At The Races the illustrator even included Hi-Hat, as per the same film we usually exclaim ‘THANKYOH’ whenever the other says ‘thank you’ and we recently attended a fantastic stage performance of the Marx Brothers greatest scenes which I guess is the closest I’ll come to the real thing. So life and love can resume and I take comfort knowing that The Marx Brothers will continue to rear their heads for many years to come. As I write this my wife and I are expecting our first child and just quietly I am making a mental note to dust off Go West in about eight years’ time.


Laura and I on our first overseas trip. Post engagment which was post Laura saying she thought The Marx Brothers were funny which is all purely coincidental of course.
Laura and I on our first overseas trip. Post engagment which was post Laura saying she thought The Marx Brothers were funny which is all purely coincidental of course.



The Fridge.
The Fridge.

Posted by: Andrew McDonald

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